09 November 2011

Some stats

Now that I'm managed to get around to looking at all of the data that I collected during the ride I thought some people might be interested in the final stats for this challenge.

Distance Ridden: 1417 miles (2280km)
Total Height Climbed (and descended): 55,641ft - nearly twice the height of Everest!
Total Ride Time (excluding stops during the day): 107 hours 2 mins
Calories Burnt (a bit of an estimate to be honest but based on HR measurements): 60,241 kcal
Average Heart Rate: 133 bpm
Max Heart Rate: 186 bpm
Fastest Speed: 66.6kph (41.3mph!) - not bad on a heavy touring bike
Average Speed: 21.2kph (13.2mph)
Number of Punctures: none!
Average litres of fluid per day: 12!