24 September 2011

Done it!!!!

What a huge relief after a very long and arduous journey. Amanda and Kieran were near the entrance to the Land's End complex and Kieran rode his bike with me to the actual finish line. What a superb way to finish.

I don't have much of a data connection but I will upload some photos later.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me. Not only would it not have been possible without the hard work of so many people, but also the very kind messages that people have been sending me both before and during the challenge. It really did make a massive difference, kept my spirits high and gave me confidence to keep going.

A special thank you must go to Amanda who has wholeheartedly supported me right from the start and has made significant sacrifices, not only in these last two weeks, but also over the last four months or so to support me with the seemingly endless training and preparations. She is the one who has looked after Kieran when I'm home late and off on long training rides at the weekend. She is the one who has constantly reassured me that I could do this challenge when in the darkest of moments before and during it. There is no doubt in my mind that without Amanda this challenge couldn't have happened, so I'd like to say to you Amanda, thank you very much, your help and support has been utterly amazing. I love you very much and I hope I've done you, Kieran and Elliot proud.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Land's End


  1. WELL DONE!!!! I am so in amazed by what you have achieved, it is such an amazing challenge and for such a brilliant cause!!!

    My thoughts have been with you so much these two weeks, I really can't say well done enough!!

    Lots of love


  2. Brilliant Richard! You did it!
    What next ? Pole-to pole? ;-)
    See you later in the week. Cheers Nick

  3. Just read the last part of your blog (sorry a bit after the event I know!) Really wish I could have been there to celebrate with you all a couple of weeks back. Well done Rich - that really was a challenge and achievement of a lifetime!!! What an amazing strong family you are. I wish the three of you all the best for whatever the future brings you. Love Lou (Nycz)
