15 September 2011

Day 5 - Gartness to Jedburgh

For the first time this trip the weather was almost perfect for cycling. A nice 15 degrees with a slight tail wind and blue skies overhead. Was a cold start though.

Woke up at 0630 and my cycling computer was reading 2 degrees inside the tent. I guess outside it was more like 1 degree. That alone made it very difficult to get motivated as holding a warm cup of coffee was much more tempting that stripping down into cycling gear and pushing on through the 2 degree air.

The knee was definitely still sore although no worse that at the same time the day before so after a rather late departure, including waving goodbye to Ross, I headed off hoping that the knee would hold up for another day.

The route today broadly dropped me South to the outer suburbs of Glasgow before travelling East through them and the South again once I met the eastern suburbs (Airdrie, Motherwell etc) it was surprisingly hilly. I really hadn't appreciated that before, but that's ok. The thing that did make a difference was the state of the roads. I can categorically say that the first 40km of today were the roughest riding I've ever done. Progress was really hampered, and by about 11am I'd only covered about 45km of the day's 168km. Not good at all.

Fortunately after turning east from Motherwell and leaving Glasgow behind things improved and with the tailwind helping progress really stepped up a notch. The pain in my right knee had all but disappeared by the end however I was starting to feel some tightness in my left knee instead. I'll be taking all necessary precautions to avoid a repeat of the last couple of days.

Some stunning scenery along the Tweed valley and in the Scottish border region generally. Will definitely have to come back here again.

Feeling good that I finished but pretty exhausted if I'm honest. Five days back to back are starting to take their toll but I'm hopeful that a good nights sleep will work wonders. I've also decided to pick up some multi vitamins tomorrow to see if that helps. The last thing I want is to pick up a cold or flu.

Tomorrow is the day I've been dreading from the start of the route planning preparations. It's a long ride but with the most climbing of any leg I think. It's supposed to rain all day as well but at least there shouldn't be a headwind. I'll also be heading back into England, which I'm really happy about. I don't mean that as a negative remark on Scotland, it's a fantastic place, but mentally it's a fairly major landmark in the journey and it means that it's not far until the home straight.

More tomorrow I hope but for now I need to get some sleep.

See you all soon.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Sounds like you're having a tough time mate. Hope you're knee improves over the next few days. Today is the last day in windy (except today) polzeath. Managed to get a few surfs in, with conditions quite choppy for the most part. Even did some light cycle training along the camel trail, complete with 24lb baby on the bike. The place has not changed much in the last 12 months, except for the doom bar being closed for refurb, so we were forced into buying kegs and setting up our own 'garage bar'!

    Andy, fran, Aiden and the rest of the turnout krew.

  2. Hi Mate

    Sounds like you have been through it with your knee. We have been following you on the google map/blog. You are half way now so you have broken the back of it, keep going and good luck.

    Simon, Vanessa & Harry

  3. Have been checking up on you the last few days and really missed your blogs...just had a good read and am glad to see that all is well apart from the dodgy knee (hope it feels better in the am)........keep going Richard..... Kim & Mark x

  4. welcome back to England, Rich!
    Keep those legs going!

  5. Good effort, watching daily progress from France with liliana.

    Hope the knee holds together, I know the pain, and it's not a fun game.

    Take care


  6. You're back in England, keep going you're doing brilliantly. We'll see you very soon lots of love
    Amanda and Kieran x x x

  7. Rich, congratulations you have done very well!!! Scotland, the first / hardest challenge is over ;-) Paul and I are thinking of you, we hope to see you soon ;-)

  8. Hi all, Rich won't have any live tracking today as he is without his mobile until tonight (hopefully). He'll update his blog then. He's doing well and hopefully the terrain will be a little easier than yesterday. Thank you for your support Amanda x x

  9. Well done Rich you are doing fantastic. We are all following you. Really hope your knee improves!!
    Take care Ash
