19 September 2011

Most Easterly point reached

A huge relief to get here. Now it's a straight run to Cornwall.

The 25km to get here this morning wasn't easy at all as my left knee which I stupidly twisted a few days ago when I slipped off my pedal is niggling away and stopping me from putting anything like full power down. I need to get some more ibuprofen anyway so hopefully that will sort things out and I can make some good progress over to Cambridge.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Gas Works Rd,Oulton Broad,United Kingdom


  1. 3 points down, 1 to go! Mate, you are making unbelievable progress in spite of the weather, knees etc. Looking forward to joining you on Friday, just hope I can keep up!!! Speak later. Andy.

  2. It really is amazing Rich what you're doing and what you've achieved so far. It must be a big thing to now be on the way down to Cornwall especially with Amanda and Kieran around from now on. Take care and keep going! Love Helen, Chris, Danny and Katie xxx

  3. The miles you are doing are like taking a one man breakaway in the Tour de France. The majority of riders coast along without peadling in the peliton for the majority of the race. You are doing it the hard way. Keep going Rich all of Infoterra is behind you. Jamie
